Number 107.
Friday, 28 August 2009
I know I change my mind every five minutes but I'm currently in the process of applying to scholarships for uni, in GERMANY.
MSc International Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics
Please find enclosed some information about the course and how to apply. This Cardiff University course takes place at the Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences (HSF) in Germany , but the language of instruction is English (thank fuck).
The Full-Time course takes two years to complete and is delivered at the HSF in Idstein (near Frankfurt Airport ) during the first year, followed by the residency placement and master thesis in the second year. The master thesis and the residency placement can be done from a distance in your home country respectively in the comfort of your own job environment. The current cost of the full-time course is €9,000 per year. The part-time option is delivered over a period of 3 years. The final degree is awarded by Cardiff University even though it is delivered in Germany at the HSF! It is also possible to continue directly into a PhD programme at Cardiff University for very well qualified and able applicants. Watch this blog!
Author: selectronic » Comments:
Number 105.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
"Please tell us why you wish to apply for the programme. If you do not possess the minimum degree-level entry requirements, please give a summary of your work and other experience that you would like us to take into consideration. Continue on another sheet if necessary. "Ohhh I don't know! I DON'T KNOW. Is it acceptable to say I want to be better than anyone? Than EVERYONE? Because I'd been told to? Made to? Too much? It's too much.
Labels: aberdeen university, applications, diploma, edinburgh university, forms, liverpool university, london school of economics, masters, personal statements (again), york university
Author: selectronic » Comments:
Number 104.
10 things of mine (amongst many others!) that my mother has thrown away or decided to send to Nigeria in the last 24 hours.1. My first labcoat (sent)
2. My first anti-microbial labcoat (chucked)
3. My university cheerleading uniform (sent)
4. My self-designed, custom made prom-dress (sent)
5. My PDA (sent)
6. My gold phone (sent)
7. My secondary school running shoes (chucked)
8. My moth eaten grandad-style cardigan (chucked)
9. My dream-catcher I made at camp aged 7 (chucked)
10. My entire A. A. Milne collection (CHUCKED??!?!?!)
I hope I retain my memory as I get older cause it looks like I sure as hell wont have any visual aids to help. I might as well have been born aged 22 for all I have to show for it now!
Author: selectronic » Comments:
Number 103.
Monday, 24 August 2009
10 things I really do not care for, but are forced to listen to discussions concerning, every day (in no specific order).1. Mortgages
2. Speed dating
3. Cous-cous
4. The changing line up in Quality Street and Roses packets
5. Various marriage fail stories
6. Oasis
7. Paté
8. Adventure holidays
9. Dangerous increments in water bills
10. Secondary school league tables.
"NHS, XXX, got lungs in your head, got blood on your chest..."
Author: selectronic » Comments:
Number 102.

see you in June.
Author: selectronic » Comments:
Number 101.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
"I really want to punch him, in the face. But not enough to cause pain, not enough to draw him out of any fatigue he might be experiencing. I do not want to reign the power of pain over him, I merely want to install a short incidence of physical contact. I do not want a mark to tide over him, I solely want to exert a force of my own weight upon his stance. I want to knock him, not knock him down, beat him, not beat him up. I want to feel my deft hand slice the air as I rocket into impact upon his upper half. I will not hurt him, for I will not hurt him. I am capable, yes, but I am not worthy, yet."
Author: selectronic » Comments:
Number 100.
Monday, 17 August 2009
Post number 100 is dedicated to...
"In August 2009 in Berlin, Bolt improved the 100 m world record to 9.58 seconds to win his first
World Championship gold medal in what was the largest ever margin of improvement in the 100 m world record since the beginning of electronic timing."
"Bolt won his first annual high school championships medal in 2001, taking the silver medal in the
200 metres with a time of 22.04 seconds.McNeil soon became his primary coach, and the two enjoyed a positive partnership, although McNeil was occasionally frustrated by Bolt's lack of dedication to his training and his predisposition to practical jokes."
"He made his first appearance on the world stage at the
2001 IAAF World Youth Championships in
Hungary. Running in the 200 m event, he failed to qualify for the finals, but he still set a new personal best of 21.73 s. Bolt still did not take athletics or himself too seriously, however, and he took his mischievousness to new heights by hiding in the back of a van when he was supposed to be preparing for the 200 m finals at the CARIFTA Trials. He was detained by the police for his practical joke, and there was an outcry from the local community, which blamed coach McNeil for the incident."
"Bolt was growing more popular in his homeland. Howard Hamilton, who was given the task of Public Defender by the government, urged the JAAA to nurture him and prevent
burnout, calling Bolt "the most phenomenal sprinter ever produced by this island".His popularity and the attractions of the capital city were beginning to be a burden to the young sprinter. Bolt was increasingly unfocused on his athletic career and preferred to eat fast food, play basketball, and party in Kingston's club scene. In the absence of a disciplined lifestyle, he became ever-more reliant on his natural ability to beat his competitors on the track."
"Bolt qualified for the final with times of 9.92 s and 9.85 s in the quarter-finals and semifinals, respectively.In the Olympic 100 m final, Bolt broke new ground, winning in 9.69 s. This was an improvement upon his own world record, and he was well ahead of second-place finisher
Richard Thompson, who finished in 9.89 s. Not only was the record set without a favourable wind (+0.0 m/s), but also he visibly slowed down to celebrate before he finished and his shoelace was untied."
"After scientific analysis of Bolt's run by the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics at the
University of Oslo, Hans Eriksen and his colleagues also predicted a sub 9.60 s time. Considering factors such as Bolt's position, acceleration and velocity in comparison with second-place-finisher Thompson, the team estimated that Bolt could have finished in 9.55 s had he not slowed to celebrate before the finishing line."
" The record time was even more remarkable in light of the fact that it was only his fifth senior run over the distance. Gay again finished second and commended Bolt's physical superiority, stating, "It looked like his knees were going past my face"."
"Bolt has also expressed his love for
football and is a fan of
Manchester United. Following a race in Manchester, he met the team at their training ground and offered
Portuguese national
Cristiano Ronaldo some sprinting advice."
...if you're going to do something, you might as well be the best at it.
Author: selectronic » Comments:
Number 99.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Quick blog, before I brave the 7:35am 250 service to The Trafford Centre (via MUFC).
The book seen above, is in fact one of the best books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It was recommended to me at a very hazy art school party after Field Day, by a rather lovely girl who at first glance looked like a fine art student, but was actually a physiology degree graduate. After half an hour of geeking out she told me to scope this, in which I returned the favour by insisting she read "59 Seconds" by Professor R Wiseman. This book has caused me to:
~never trust anyone in the media
~never trust anyone who trusts in the media
~never trust anyone who trusts in anyone who trusts in the media
~hate all science journalists
~hate all science journalists with a humanities degree
~want to study all my life, preferably in France
~publish another research paper in natural products
~throw away my multivitamin pills
~furiously advocate the MMR jab in children
~take a serious look at some people's 'credentials'
Scientists are cool. Fake scientists are not. Nutritionists make me want to kill myself.
Good read. 8/10 = (he gets a bit self-righteous at times).
A side note, Manchester is rife with uncertainty. More on that later, I need to get dressed.
Labels: ben goldacre, books, bus, early blogging, eat your vitamins, homeopathy is bullshit, nutritionists are scum, party, pharmacology, reading, red, science, the media sucks
Author: selectronic » Comments: