Friday, 28 August 2009
I know I change my mind every five minutes but I'm currently in the process of applying to scholarships for uni, in GERMANY.MSc International Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics
Please find enclosed some information about the course and how to apply. This Cardiff University course takes place at the Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences (HSF) in Germany , but the language of instruction is English (thank fuck).
The Full-Time course takes two years to complete and is delivered at the HSF in Idstein (near Frankfurt Airport ) during the first year, followed by the residency placement and master thesis in the second year. The master thesis and the residency placement can be done from a distance in your home country respectively in the comfort of your own job environment. The current cost of the full-time course is €9,000 per year. The part-time option is delivered over a period of 3 years. The final degree is awarded by Cardiff University even though it is delivered in Germany at the HSF! It is also possible to continue directly into a PhD programme at Cardiff University for very well qualified and able applicants.
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