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Number 60.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

First of all, new Maccabees and new Rakes deserves an "ooooop!!".
Secondly, I did not appreciate the IN VIVO report on US follow on biologics and the Eshoo treaty, ruined my evening. It was a great effort to start writing tonight, between blowing up my laptop yesterday (i'm typing on my work one- so restricted everything and no Spotify, 4oD or MSN), and having the mother of all flus today, it's a wonder I could even be bothered at all. Today at work, I gave the lurgy to my immediate circle and a few visitors from Belgium down for a pharmacoviligance audit. They were most appreciative and that is most definitely a lie. My head felt as if someone had been Morris dancing on my superior temporals all day, and home time really could not come fast enough. Indi Threads meeting saw us choose which art was to be part of the first wave of prints. There are some amazing ones, my favourite is Lloyd Peek's Gorilla, I want it on a MASSIVE grey jumper for sure. Both Andy and Howie also have the flu so we all had some effervescent Vitamin C and spoke inbetween each others coughs and sneezes, whilst comparing the colours of our lymph nodal tissue.

The weekend is really why I came to blog though...so i'll start. Ash had planned to take me to Southampton to go shopping to make up for missing my birthday as he was breaking up with his girlfriend at the time. I got to the train station bang on 11 as planned and found that he had been there for 15 mins already, so felt a bit bad. Spur of the moment change of mind: we went to Brighton instead, which made me SO much happier than Southampton, especially as it was a picturesque sunny day.

(EDIT: It is now the next day - I fell asleep half way through writing this blog and my flu has got so much worse. Memories of the weekend are hazy, every sneeze seems to erase a memory. )

So in brief, Brighton was awesome, getting matching jackets was cute, Brad Dykes was a delight to see, Jazz bands at the Pavillion are cool, Coffee is lovely, free Coffee is better, Hoegaarden gets me ruined, free Hoegaarden gets me obliterated. Emma is lovely. Party was good. Bose sound systems are heaven, Crookers are good. Drugs are bad, found out the honest truth about a couple of 'best' mates, had a nightmare night, treated the wounded at the scene of the incident, learnt not to ever give my house keys to Bill Francis, did not throw up, woke up in a Sauna, learnt I am completely oblivious to advances made by certain people, Peep Show cures all hangovers and I am alright at Crazy Golf.

I got these in Brighton:

Glow in the Dark/Change colour from white to green to blue depending on how sunny it is/super comfortable Nike 6.0 Mogans. Not eating for a week never looked so good.

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 59.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

My writing stance has now turned out to be, computer facing the window, looking outside, playing Millionaire through Spotify, occasionally looking at my phone, twitching at every noise thinking it's a mouse (THOOOMMMASS!!) and eating a big handful of Rainbow Nerds at the end of most sentences. It's quite wonderful. So was Thursday night.... High Contrast at LJRs was the low point though I must say. Far too packed, too smoky and that was at 9pm. It was good to see a few people I hadn't seen all week, like Sam, Harry, Emma and James, and it was amazing to see people like Ben who was wearing an Individual Threads hoodie and came to tell me how much he loved it. Him and his flat mate Faith are both from Guildford - went to George Abbott school together so that's some people I now know! And the other day I found a flat mate so all is looking up. Ran away to meet Hardip and Milly at the India Arms at eleven because I could stand the putrid stench of Lucky Strikes and Newcastle Brown Ale no longer, and picked up a bottle of JP Chenet and Kettle Chips on the way as a delight. Andy and Jim were there preparing a mix for next weeks Back to Back Baby Sumo special, of which I am particularly looking forward to. We all set off for scandals, where it was particularly less busy than usual (most people were at High Contrast or at home finishing their dissertations for the first draft deadline which was the next day). I gave my ID to the bouncer, who then proceeded to read my name and asked me if I was Nigerian in Yoruba (Nigerian Language)... drunk was I so I replied in English. He then asked me if I spoke Yoruba, and I said "un peu!" UN PEU IS FRENCH for "a little".... for some reason I had completely forgotten what YES is in Yoruba (which I later remembered to be BENI funnily enough - still need to decide whether i'm going), he laughed, and I spewed some more French at him, of which he could only reply "Bonjour, mademoiselle" - he then let me pass and told me to have a good night.

The rest of the night consisted of the best set list I have ever witnessed at Scandals, just because it was mainly us 5 requesting. I had a chat with Pete and he asked me to email him the kind of stuff I had been listening to lately, so expect Danimal Kingdom, Marnie Stern and Favours for Sailors coming to a Thursday Night near you. Jim (who I had only ever met whilst drunk on my birthday and had never really spoken to before) and I suddenly started talking about old school indie, you know the kind you listened to when you were 17, still bought the NME and thought Reading ticket prices were value for money - Dead60s, Datsuns, Vonbondies, Stellastar, Forward Russia, The Blueskins, Four Tet, DFA1979.... that kind of stuff. It made me happy because I remembered how happy I was back then, Jim rightly said "we couldn't drink then, so we had to get into music in a big way, what else was there?" When I'm home next I'm SO getting all 3 of my Forward Russia t-shirts back off my sister. Andy spoke to the bouncer about having a Rubberdub in Scandals which would be perfect. We went mental for the following: Fischerspooner, Metronomy, Friendly Fires, Rolling Stones, Smiths, Joy Division, SMD, La Roux, and probably a few others but because I didn't have to travel to work the next day, I was able to drink to the same level as everyone else, i.e. get ruined. Best ever. Walking home I had a bit of a narcoleptic episode and fell asleep on some stone pillars, 3 guys came over to ask if I was alright - they had been to scandals too- turns out one of them was a Pharmacist I had recognised from lectures last year! They walked me home and everything was alright.

Friday morning, I woke up early to get eggs, I baked some cakes for Dan's 4th Birthday and put them in a box as his dad Karl was driving to mine to pick them up. I also made Pork fried rice and this was all before 8am. Cooking whilst still drunk is absolutely hilarious, and stuff seems to taste like, 12 times better. I was working from home because of my eye appointment at 12. I did a bit of stuff on my H drive and then took my laptop to the Individual Threads office to look at the new delivery of clothes we got from Continental Clothing - like American Apparel, but fair trade. Rad. It was all quite nice, but I didn't like the girls stuff. The colours were astonishing though. I had made plans to go to Kitchin D'or, this french restaurant, that I have never been to, but always been recommended. I walked to my eye appointment at 12, giving Jordan a parcel to mail to Philip, full of sweets. Got there, and the optometrist asked what was wrong.

"Well, there is a black dot which travels along my left field of vision and there is a flash of light which occurs in the upper left hand corner of my left eye."

So they did the surface tests, apparently I have perfect vision so the two sets of glasses I had been given before were by COWBOYS. Then came the intrusive tests. I had to be given these eyedrops which dilated my eyes so they could see clearly inside. They stung quite a bit, then I was sent into the shopping centre because they took up to 20 mins to work. Went round TK Maxx, had a look at some sneaks, came out after 15 - nothing. Went to the Orange store to check out some new phones as my contract ends next month, picked up a Blackberry, then couldnt see the keys. Looked up, couldnt see the shop assistant. Scariest thing ever. I stumbled out of the shop to get back to Vision Express (which I knew was next door). A campaigner for the blind was outside, she asked me for a donation - I said I couldnt see to get into my bag to get her anything. She must have thought I was taking the piss. As soon as I got in the door one of the optical nurses grabbed my hand and took me back into the examination room. The only way I can describe my vision, is that it was like what you see when you squint, but your eyes are wide open.

Apparently, they have to "keep a close eye" on me, but for now i'm alright, the black dot is caused by compressed vitreous humour, and the flashes are the condensed vitreous humour tugging at the edge of my retina. Gnarly. I tried to stumble back home. I met my friend Louisa outside and she guided me into the direction of where I was meant to be going. I now have the upmost respect for those with restricted vision, scariest thing ever. Another irony alert, I saw this white flash and a tap on the ground as I was walking though - it was a blind man with a stick leading 3 other blind people. I saw them late and jumped out the way of the stick just in time to miss them, but smacked my head on the wall next to me in the process (that I did not foresee) so some man helped me up and asked if I was alright. I really wasn't so I set off again, blind, and a grazed face. Met Phil Stratton on Norfolk Street who kindly directed me into Kitchin D'or and said I was walking a bit weird. Lucy texted me but I couldnt read my text. My phone has text read out but I couldnt see the screen to turn it on. was fustrating! Stood on the corner of the street until Lucy could pick me up, texted her from memory. Liam came out of his house (which was opposite the restaurant) and asked if I was alright. I told him what happened and he stayed with me until just before Lucy came. We then went in and Lucy read me the menu. We had salmon and brioche and mushrooms for starter, then lucy had Toulouse sausages, and I had slowcooked beef flank in red wine sauce. Best ever. And it was good to see Lucy as well, I love her. My eyesight was slowly coming back and by the end I was able to stumble back to the studio. Tried to open my keyboard to do some work - couldnt see the keys. Annoyance. Watched skate vids with Spence instead, whilst finishing up some orders ready for delivery the next day. We had been invited to an exhibition on Saturday to showcase our stuff, and the mayoress and PM of Portsmouth is going to be there! Big time. Jordan is going to go as I'm in Southampton with Ash the whole day and the other two are delivering. Came home, eyesight near perfect, got a phone call from Bill saying - i'll ring you in a bit, come for a drink with us at Ash's house. Fell asleep. Woke up to lots of missed calls. Bummer.

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 58.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

we need to talk...

Actually means, 'I need to talk, You better listen'.

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 57.

Haiku >> Yesterday's phone conversation

Philip Coales feels like
Joseph Goebbels, does this mean
I'm Hermann Müller?!

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 56.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

The card I made for Timmy, it's a shame we don't speak anymore, though I still have his amazing panoramic shot stuck to my bedroom door. I'm wide awake, it's morning and it is freezing... i'm going for a corporate lunch so it had better brighten up.

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 55.

I miss...

a lot of things.

Plus I just got my objectives at work and it looks like my workload has doubled in size and quadrupled in importance, oh joy!

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 54.

I just made a birthday card for the 4 year old son of the IT manager who gives me a lift to work most mornings. It has a lot of pictures of Thomas and Percy from Thomas the Tank engine, and lots of smiley faces with tongues sticking out. I hope he likes it, it's actually the best thing i've done since I made Tim that half birthday/xmas card from graph paper with loads of cartoons and numbers and angles and balloons on it.

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 53.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Hair is needing drastic measures.

Starting to look like:

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 52.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Haiku >> Being at work.

Computer screen blocks
sunrays, i almost wish the
recession got me.

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 51.

I've gotten into the routine of only updating this personal blog when I am faced with updating the Individual Threads blog, which is bad, and is a habit I should really endeavour to release. It seems that everyone had a good weekend, and i'm glad to say that I was no exception.
Friday evening: American Gangster + Enchiladas + Molly/Andy/Sam/Karl and a lot of theory test revision.
Saturday morning: went to the seafront at 6 to watch sunrise, came back for a bit more theory test revision, took test, passed, went to Asda to get delights, came back and cooked a crown of duck, made duck sandwiches, had a picnic with numerous people, picked up a deck from sam, still need to get trucks from fedge, wheels/tape from charly and bearings from emma. played "eurocent/strongbow can" which was strangely fufilling for a game we made up by accident. watched charly and pete and michael skate for a while, invited everyone up for harry hill and more duck sandwiches. After everyone had left, phoned my newly adopted little brother Philip Coales for a chat for an hour and a half. Good kid. Then went to Harold Road after picking up emma and chris for ashley's party. Was too tired to have much fun, though it was good to see everyone, especially thom weller as i havent seen him in time, and his friend ali hunter was there who was really nice, even though the Torq's were not his friend on the night and Andy was drafted in to replace him on the decks.
Sunday morning, woke up to sunshine, sunshine, SUNSHINE. immediately opened my phone to a text from bill. watched skins (bad episode) and got showered. walked the scenic seafront route past loads of tourists to bill's house. went charity shopping/ vintage store shopping, picked up a mens knitted waistcoat (a la kele bloc party) for 2.99. then went to ash's for a barbeque which was the most fun - ash is a good host. Stayed for a while, and for a while, i mean - forever. almost forgot about work this morning. should have stopped drinking earlier... highlights - phil showing us his 8 stitches that he had acquired from practicing for the biking nationals, bill's rendition of louis armstrongs "what a wonderful world" - the nike shoe dance, mine and bill's economy burgers shrinking down to the size of a pound coin and sending everyone else's reasonably high quality homemade burgers into a swirling pool of flames and hot fat - mike's take on the "visit california" advert - tom alex and tom humpris vs mike phillips and charly potter in a bladers vs skaters merk-off - dizzee rascal - "Gefilte fish??" - molly opening beer bottles with her teeth - me and my 'amazing' ability to down wine - mike drinking wine spritzer out of a measuring jug and trying to make it manly - phil and bill looking at facebook on their iphone to see whether hot girls they knew from school were still hot - first year at uni fail stories and trip planning for the next two months. I'm going everywhere!

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 50.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

I have never been so tired. Yet unable to sleep. Work is getting extremely busy as it is the peak period for audits and getting sued. I've got a stack full of papers the size of a small house to work through, and idon'twanna. Individual Threads is going well too, which means that: 6am - 7pm is taken up by work and commuting, 7pm - 11pm is taken up by Indi Threads, 11pm-1am is taken up by eating, cleaning and bathing and 1am - 6am is taken up by sitting in my bed thinking "FUCK, WHY AM I NOT ASLEEP."

Have been entertained today by reading people's beef with their exes on Urban Dictionary and also:

drunk girl: can you play ‘pop bottles’ by lil wayne…like right now?
seb: (15 sec into song I just started) yeah sure…after this song.

(drunk girl moves to the side of the stage. I start to play ‘pop bottles’. when the song ends she comes back)

drunk girl: you said you’d play ‘pop bottles’!!!!
seb: umm..but I just did…
drunk girl: well I wasn’t listening…play it again!
seb: no

with other delights found HERE: if you're a dj or know dj's you'll love it.

Molly, Sam and Andy over for a roast on Sunday as they have cooked me dinner three times and I have done nothing but eat it. Was going to have Emma and Dan over for American Psycho times but need to revise for theory test.

Lomography Workshop at London Southbank this Saturday. Tempted to bust up there.

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 49.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

This will forever remind me of my birthday.

Author: selectronic » Comments:

Number 48.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

My friend Thom is a bit good at knowing good music. He's got a radioshow and everything. He sent it to me via the interweb and it's made me very happy because it's right on target. So this post is dedicated to THM WLLR.

when he djs he looks a bit like Surkin.

he knows all the greats!

he's a veteran (of clubnights).

and he's not a chav !

He recently gave me a lot of music and it's all amazing.

Check out his podcast and radioshow :)

I gave him some Abe Vigoda, I think he liked it?

Author: selectronic » Comments: